Undelivered Promises with 2 Characters and a Clown
America's #1 Undelivered Promises Podcast! Have lunch with Jimmy, Johnny and RJ and catch up with 3 of the Las Vegas Strip's favorite performers.
Dain Bramage...
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Lunch is Beef Rendang over rice.
Jimmy Clowns Around for 12 hours and has a 5 Star Customer service experience, Johnny enjoys a Gin Drink and drops a Flag Mystery and RJ has Bubblegut and a litany of NYPD Blue Facts.
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Bassment of Horrors...
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Jimmy had a Catastrophic Atmospheric/Lutherie-Centric Failure, Johnny waxes Vexillogically whilst listening to FM Radio, RJ discovers that people do Podcasts for Monetary Gain and our LawyerBozo Adam phones in with Pizza updates and ball-busting.
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Ramekin Skywalker...
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The Boys dine on Ponzu Braised Short Ribs over Sticky Rice with Roasted Garlic Chili Broccolini and recap their recent vacations.
Jimmy makes his seed get a job to pay for a BIG purchase, Johnny updates us on “Flag Neighbor” and informs us that his Pop’s speaks fluent Laotian, and RJ tries too hard to get his dollar back.
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Boots and Cats
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The Boys take their turns at Beat-Boxing. The Flag Contest is afoot. Jimmy tells an old classic and likes a good pegboard, Johnny is a vexed Vexillologist with MAD beatbox skills, and RJ waxes poetically about a Chimpanzee and sneaking into an audition.
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It's ALL Cooked...
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Johnny admits he is a “Flag Dork”, Jimmy got paid with a cold sandwich and RJ had a little moment with Johnny. Also, we announce our “Design Our Flag” Contest!
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That’s a Different sort of feel I wasn’t ready for…Part 2
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Johnny is vexed by a flag, Jimmy waxes nostalgic about 80’s TV and RJ reads Poetry.
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That’s a Different sort of feel I wasn’t ready for…
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Soup’s On! Potato Leek Soup to be exact. The PERFECT soup for patricide!
Jimmy Hates Las Vegas Drivers, Johnny invents a phrase and knows his Pledges, RJ lists Pepper Mills among his many problems and Good Brett calls in for the Hot Goss.
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Would you, Could You?…
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The Boys feast on Prime Rib Sammiches.
Johnny gives out Stocking Stuffers, Jimmy is definitely a 70/30 and RJ would eat Jimmy first.
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The boys dine on Chicken Shawarma.
Jimmy and his dog have the Crud, Johnny likes the Practical side of TV and RJ Still thinks Wraps are not food.
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So Many Words in this Podcast...
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Lunch is Za’atar Chicken Wings with a Toum Tahini.
Johnny reminisces about cooking with his Mommy, Jimmy thinks stealing cable was crazy, and RJ ruins Johnny’s Childhood…and Jimmy’s Story.
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