Writing Pursuits

10 Episodes

By: Kathrese McKee

Writing Pursuits with Kathrese McKee is a weekly podcast for authors who drink too much coffee, endure judgmental looks from their furry writing companions, and struggle for words. If you are a writer seeking encouragement, information, and inspiration, this podcast is for you.

70: Serial Storytelling - Let's Get Started with Guest, Kimboo York

Kimboo York, author of Become an Unstoppable Storyteller: How to Craft Compelling Serials, gives us the low down on writing serial stories for publication. Serials are a longstanding and honored publishing tradition that are now a growing trend.

Guest: Kimboo York

Kimboo York's website: HouseofYork.info

Substack: https://houseofyork.substack.com/

Ream: https://reamstories.com/houseofyork/public

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Instagram: @WritingPursuitsPodcast

Three Story Method Certified Editor



69: Challenges for Late Blooming Writers

Tips for mature, first-time authors to get over impostor syndrome and conquer self doubt.

Mentioned in the episode:

AI for Authors: Practical and Ethical Guidelines. Alliance of Independent Authors

Independent Book Publishers Association

Question of the week: What is the most challenging part of being a mature author?

Get your free copy of the First Chapter Rubric.



Instagram: @WritingPursuitsPodcast

Three Story Method Certified Editor


If you would like to sign up for a f...

68: 10 Reasons to Consider Substack

An overview of the benefits to authors of using Substack for blogging, newsletters, and a stand-in website.

The question of the week is: What email service provider do you use and why?

Get your free copy of the First Chapter Rubric.



Instagram: @WritingPursuitsPodcast

Three Story Method Certified Editor



67: Ethics of ChatGPT for AUthors

Explores plagiarism, academic cheating, intellectual property concerns, and the ethical use of AI by authors.Read the accompanying post at WritingPursuits.com: LINK

The question of the week is: What are your predictions about how authors will use AI in the future?

Get your free copy of the First Chapter Rubric.


Accompanying post: https://writingpursuits.substack.com/p/ethics-of-using-chatgpt-for-authors


Instagram: @WritingPursuitsPodcast

Three Story Method Certified Editor



66: Storytelling Revolution: Humans and AI Unite!

Interview with J. Thorn, author of Three Story Method: Cowriting with ChatGPT: AI-Powered Storytelling.

Join the revolution transforming storytelling as we explore the synergy between human creativity and AI's formidable power. Discover how this union will shape the narratives of tomorrow.

J. Thorn has published two million words and has sold more than 185,000 books worldwide. He is an official member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, the Horror Writers Association, and the Great Lakes Association of Horror Writers.

J. co-founded the Writers, Ink podcast with J.D. Barker, and has...

65: The Power of Story Structure - Pacing and Excitement Unleashed

Discover the key plot points that drive the narrative, from the thrilling inciting event to the breathtaking resolution. Don't miss this in-depth analysis of how structure plays a pivotal role in creating an unforgettable adventure.

Resources mentioned:

*The Hero with a Thousand Faces* by Joseph Campbell - https://www.amazon.com/Thousand-Faces-Collected-Joseph-Campbell/dp/1577315936/

*The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure For Writers* by Christopher Vogler - https://www.amazon.com/Writers-Journey-Anniversary-Library-Structure/dp/1615933239/

*The Heroine's Journey: Woman' Quest for Wholeness* by Maureen Murdock - https://www.amazon.com/Heroines-Journey-Womans-Quest-Wholeness/dp/1611808308/

*The Heroine's...

64: The Art of Collaboration with JP Rindfleisch IX

JP Rindfleisch IX and Kathrese McKee discuss must-know tips for author collaborations.



Book 3 of the Leah Ackerman series launched last month!


Story Hypothesis will be coming out in August (no link yet)

I also host coworking streams on Twitch with the pomodoro method.

https://www.twitch.tv/cheshirepopeRead the accompanying post at WritingPursuits.com: LINK

The question of the week is: Share a collaboration you have been a...

63: Building Writing Momentum - Transform Habits with the 12-Week Year

The 12 Week Year - Discover how accountability, commitment, and greatness in the moment can elevate your writing game.

"The 12 Week Year" by Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington - https://www.amazon.com/12-Week-Year-Others-Months/dp/1118509234/

"The 12 Week Year for Writers" by A. Trevor Thrall - https://www.amazon.com/12-Week-Year-Writers-Comprehensive-ebook/dp/B09CLX3NMK/

Question of the week: What does greatness in the moment mean to you?

Get your free copy of the First Chapter Rubric.



Instagram: @WritingPursuitsPodcast

Three Story Met...

62: Fantasy Tropes - High Fantasy to Urban Dystopia

Fantasy authors get to create captivating worlds, epic battles, and unforgettable characters. We do a deep dive into the realms of fantasy subgenres and their tropes.

Read the accompanying post at WritingPursuits.com: LINK

The question of the week is: What are your favorite fantasy books, series, or authors?

Get your free copy of the First Chapter Rubric.



Instagram: @WritingPursuitsPodcast

Three Story Method Certified Editor



61: Mastering the Art of Dialogue with Jeff Elkins

Jeff Elkins, aka, the Dialogue Doctor, who is an author, podcast host, and writing coach. Jeff shares his experience of conducting over 200 coaching sessions to help authors improve their dialogue and create engaging characters.

He explains that the ideas and techniques in his book, "The Dialogue Doctor Will See You Now: How to Write Dialogue and Characters Readers Will Love," were developed through collaborative efforts within the dialogue doctor community. He emphasizes the importance of dialogue in immersing readers in a story and discusses the distinction between dialogue and exposition.

Jeff also provides insights on...